Northern Oilfield Solutions Kicks Off New Season Committed to Dependability

Press Release

New leadership and investment reinvigorate  fuel operations at Northern Oilfield Solutions to meet customer growth demand on Alaska’s North Slope

Deadhorse, AK – Northern Oilfield Solutions is committed to becoming the most dependable oilfield solutions and fueling partner for businesses operating on the North Slope.  Broadly projected growth in the market is exciting for business operating in the Arctic.  To ensure success during increased activity, Northern Oilfield Solutions has appointed Sam Amato as General Manager.  Mr Amato has decades of experience designing and delivering solutions to customers on the North Slope. He served as VP of Delta Leasing in Deadhorse for five years, and prior to that he excelled in sales and oilfield solutions for Lynden Transport for six years.  His deep understanding of oilfield logistics and market realities equip him to anticipate and deliver the solutions customers require as they enter a period of renewed growth and exploration. In his own words:

“There’s one word I’ve come to recognize as key to success in the arctic: ‘Dependable.’ For us this means showing up where and when we are expected with the solution we have promised.  To be successful, we have to consider the entire supply chain, from procuring quality fuel, to ensuring our import logistics are reliable with pre-established contingency plans, to employing the right team and taking care of them, to prioritizing equipment, including replacing or rebuilding assets. But for any of that to matter we have to start by truly understanding what our customers need and the problems we can solve for them.”

The enhanced focus on people and customers is at the core of Northern’s reinvigoration.    Through all of this, Sam and his team will be taking a hard look at how Northern operates, designing new and better ways for the company to enhance efficiency and deliver value to its remote customers.